A violation of the rules, regulations or parking use agreement can cause a citation to be issued. To avoid a citation, understand and follow these rules and guidelines.

Prohibited Parking

Parking is prohibited in the following areas:

  • Posted "No Parking" Zones
  • Curb zones marked in red or yellow
  • Curb zones marked in blue without a handicapped permit, or any other designated handicapped area.
  • Pedestrian crosswalks
  • Construction sites and lots
  • Barricaded or closed lots and streets
  • Any other area not specifically marked as a parking space
  • Parked at a broken meter or meter that reads FAIL unless using the Passport pay by phone service

Parking is also prohibited in the following manners:

  • Taking up more than a single stall
    • Vehicle must be parked within the boundaries of a parking stall as indicated by painted lines or in front or a port-a-curb
  • Backing into any metered stall or appear to back into a metered stall. The vehicle must be parked forward facing the meter
  • Facing the direction of oncoming traffic in parallel stalls (exception for handicapped stalls)
  • Camping or living in a motor vehicle on UNL property
  • Parking in a manner that prohibits a license plate from being visible from the patrol vehicle in the drive aisle

Violations of these guidelines will result in the vehicle driver receiving a citation and will require payment of penalty.

Violation & Penalties

Each parking citation violation has an established penalty cost amount.

1 Overtime $10.00
2 Expired meter   Not eligible for appeal $15.00
3 No valid permit displayed* $40.00
4 Improper Display of Permit $30.00
5 Unauthorized parking by a registered UNL vehicle (student, staff/faculty or vendor/contractor) in a visitor's lot $30.00
6 Parking in unauthorized area $40.00
7 No Parking Area   Not eligible for appeal $35.00
8 No Parking Area Meter; Fail, Dead or Out of Order $30.00
9 Improper Parking $30.00
10 Unauthorized parking in a fire lane $100.00
11 Failure to provide notice of registration change $10.00
12 Failure of faculty/staff or student to register vehicles parking on campus $50.00
13 Falsifying permit application $100.00
14 Displaying Counterfeit Permit** $200.00
16 Displaying Stolen Permit** $200.00
17 Unauthorized parking in a space or access aisle reserved for the handicapped - First offense $150.00
18 Unauthorized parking in a space or access aisle reserved for the handicapped - Second offense within 12 months $300.00
19 Unauthorized parking in a space or access aisle reserved for the handicapped - Third/subsequent offense within 12 months $500.00
20 Filing a false lost/stolen permit report $100.00
21 Tamper/Remove Immobilization Device   Not eligible for appeal $200.00
22 Failure to Pay on Exit   Not eligible for appeal $30.00
23 Misuse of Permit $50.00
24 Illegal Entry/Exit   Not eligible for appeal $35.00
25 Damage to Property   Not eligible for appeal $100.00

* - Violation will be reduced to $7.00 if, within 30 calendar days of issuance, proof is presented to an employee at UNL Parking and Transit Services (during window hours), that a valid permit is registered to that vehicle and the vehicle was parked in an authorized location.

** - The use of any unauthorized, stolen, counterfeit, altered or reproduced permit or facsimile, will result in the impoundment of the vehicle, confiscation of the permit, revocation of parking privileges for a calendar year, a fine of $200, and a report filed with Student Conduct & Community Standards Office.

Transcripts, diploma, registration, and/or vehicle permit renewal may be held for nonpayment of penalties.

Additional Fees

Permit holders may also incur additional fees for violations when towing and impoundment is involved. For policies regarding towing and impoundment, please refer to the next section.

Service TypeAdditional Fee
Tow-in $*
Wheel Lock/Citation $35
Insufficient funds check $30**

* - Amount of charge is determined by the licensed and bonded towing company.

** - Standard University charge subject to change. This charge need not be published in the UNL Scarlet or Daily Nebraskan. In the event that your check is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may re-present your check electronically. In the ordinary course of business your check will not be provided to you with your bank statement.

Towing, Immobilization Impoundment Policy

Repeated or severe violations may result in action on their immediate access to your vehicle. These violations include:

  1. Any vehicle that receives more than five citations within 30-day period will be deemed a nuisance vehicle, and may be subject to impoundment.

    A vehicle must display a university parking permit and appropriate license plates when parked in designated campus parking areas. A vehicle without a permit or license plates will receive a citation.

    • If the vehicle VIN number is visible, a citation will be issued and left on the vehicle.
    • If the vehicle VIN number is not visible, a citation will be issued and the vehicle can be towed immediately.
  2. If a vehicle has any portion of an unpaid violation or penalty against it after 30 calendar days from the date of the violation issuance or 14 calendar days after the Parking Appeals Committee decision.
  3. If the vehicle is improperly parked so as to interfere with or impede
    1. the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
    2. the use of parking facilities, buildings, loading docks, or dumpsters;
    3. the operation of emergency equipment (e.g., fire lane);
    4. or the provision of services, public safety, or essential repairs.
  4. If an unauthorized vehicle is parked in or blocks the use of a reserved stall (e.g., handicapped, administrative, etc.).
  5. If a vehicle is parked on any surface not specifically marked for the legal operation of a motor vehicle (e.g., lawns, grass, sidewalks, vacant lots).
  6. Any vehicle displaying a counterfeit, stolen, altered, transferred, or otherwise fraudulent parking permit; or a permit issued due to false information given on the permit application.
  7. If the vehicle is parked in any area marked "Tow-in Zone," "Tow-away Zone," etc.
  8. If a vehicle is removed from impoundment without official release from the UNL Police Department or UNL Parking & Transit Services.
  9. Any vehicle(s) that is parked on campus in violation that is currently banned from campus will be impounded by tow.
  10. If a vehicle is parked on UNL property, is not in operating condition, and has not notified UNL Parking and Transit Services.

Towing Procedures

Impounded vehicles will be towed by a bonded wrecker service or immobilized by UNL Parking and Transit Services. The cost of impoundment will constitute a lien against the vehicle, with the owner/operator being liable for costs of towing and storage or release from immobilization devices.

Impoundment charges must be paid directly to the impoundment company for vehicles that have been towed or to UNL Parking and Transit Services for vehicles that have been immobilized. Vehicles impounded will be held until all UNL Parking penalties and/or fees are paid including any citation for violation at the time the vehicle is secured for towing.

This citation may be appealed. If the appeal is upheld, a full refund of the appealed citation will be made. However, if the vehicle is impounded for prior unpaid citations, the tow fee will not be refunded. If a citation has been turned over to the Bursar's Office, the total amount owed by the individual to that office will be due and payable. Owner/operators of vehicles towed and impounded may appeal the impoundment within 14 calendar days of the impoundment.

Vehicles towed by UNL are towed by Capital Towing Inc. to 101 Charleston Street. Their phone number is 402-477-7676.

Impound by Wheel Lock

Wheel locks shall be used during the following times to impound vehicles for prior unpaid citations. The fee for an Impound by Wheel Lock is $35.

Monday - Thursday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday Devices Not Used

All immobilized vehicles that have not been released by 6:30 pm Monday through Thursday and 3:30 pm on Friday will be towed.

All vehicles immobilized with a wheel lock shall have a (1) notice affixed to the windshield and a (1) notice on the driver's side window. This notice shall indicate the procedure necessary to release the vehicle from impoundment.

Immobilization charges must be paid to UNL Parking and Transit Services for vehicles that have been immobilized. Vehicles immobilized will be held until all UNL Parking penalties and/or fees are paid including any citation for violation at the time the vehicle is immobilized.

This citation may be appealed. If the appeal is upheld, a full refund of the appealed citation will be made. However, if the vehicle is immobilized for prior unpaid citations, the immobilization fee will not be refunded. If a citation has been turned over to the Bursar's Office, the total amount owed by the individual to that office will be due and payable.

Wheel locks will not be used during inclement weather, on vehicles with over-sized tires, when use of the wheel lock may damage rims, or when all wheel locks are already in use.